Websites on Mobile Devices
Modify an Existing Website for Current Website Consumption
Websites on Mobile Devices! As a Santa Monica Website Developer the reality of critical mobile device marketing has become a hard fact. No one can risk ignoring the evidence that more than a billion users usually access the internet via a mobile device. You may not be ready to redevelop or redesign your website for display on all devices, but there are minimum steps that a business or entity can take to optimize your internet exposure via mobile technology.
Website to Mobile Device – Simple Mobile Device Site Design
Access your website online with a smartphone, or bring it up on the Google GoMoMeter, and you’ll probably see the necessity for web design improvements. To keep your display effective on mobile devices, simple page design, large font sizes, important information above the midline, and large, accessible buttons that are big finger friendly. You’ll go quite some way to delivering critical information on all devices simply by putting your name, phone number and a link to a Google map at the top left corner of your home page so it is easy to see and utilize.
Design a Mobile Device Version of your Existing Website
Often, instead of costly editing your current website and or its website design, businesses and entities develop a parallel web version, utilizing (mobile site design services), which can be much more cost effective when web building. There are some tradeoffs for example if your mobile website has a 2nd url, such as a sub domain, search engine spiders may or may not fetch it. Both Bing and Google promote the idea of a one urn policy for search-ability and search engine optimization or seo as it is often referred. Rebuilding a business or entity website for display on any device be it mobile or PC is one of the smartest things to do.
Adaptive Design is the Cutting Edge Strategy in Modern Website Design and Development
The largest companies utilize it, the one’s that invest to reach out to the maximum online pool. American Airlines is a perfect example of this; adaptive design detects, identifies and converts to the user device. Then adaptive design generates a new page matched to the device capabilities.
Responsive design is often a more budget friendly solution that utilizes css or cascading style sheets technology to develop a singular version of the website that will auto adjust to display properly on almost all devices. Responsive websites allow a user to reach the most engaged web audience pool. As an example check out the Boston Globe, click on the right of the browser and drag to the left, shrinking the web-page from full screen to an iphone sized area. It doesn’t matter how minimal she makes the viewable area, the responsive website design looks excellent and it is very easy to read and to understand.